Art and Awareness



Art and Awareness

My art: to make your place, home beautiful, enjoy the creation of the colours and relax


My art is for sale.
I work with resin, gold, crystals and an unique combination of colours.

Often my artworks are initiated by a ‚download‘ or a sudden insight. I ’see‘ it. I get inspired and start making it.



Right now we are at the edge of a new paradigm:    New Consciousness is coming, which ‚cracks open‘ the two old pillars of consciousness and duality in which our world was build.

I have been longing for this New Consciousness.


There is the possibility to do private or group sessions with me, which is all about awareness and helping you to move forward on your unique path.

If you are interested, sent me a mail and we can plan an intake consultation.

About me

My name is Atar. My life is characterized by changes. The main thread is awareness, which gave me insights and changes of perspective. Awareness is fascinating: It is ‚there‘ but you can’t see it with your physical eyes.
It is ‚there‘ and I cannot give it to someone else.

Consciousness can be very powerful.

Part of the change in my life was that I suddenly made large pieces of art.

Awareness and art, both I love and both give me joy.